Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Connecting to your core spell

Often times we go through life feeling disconnected and out of touch with the word around us and ourselves. Use this spell to help you find connection to your greatest asset, yourself.
Items Needed:
  • A small mirror
  • A pen and paper
  • A charged candle (color is not relevant here.)
  • White sage for smudging- you can use loose sage, bundled sage, or a smokeless sage spray.
Timing: Whenever needed
Prepare yourself by smudging yourself and your tools. As you smudge yourself you can repeat these or similar words:
I cleanse and clear all my space
bad energy and negativity I erase
May the good now come here
as the bad does disappear
Light the candle, invoke your higher self:
My higher self I call out
what I need I must find out about
Close your eyes and begin to take several deep breaths, as you feel yourself begin to shift, pick up the pen and start writing, this is a form of automatic writing; write at the top of the paper : What I need. Then begin writing; if nothing comes to mind just keep writing something; eventually something will come forth. After ten to fifteen minutes stop. Take your paper and read it out loud. At the end declare in your own words that you will do your best to honor your spirit. Thank your higher self for coming through.
Let the candle burn out and save the paper. If the paper is sensitive and you would rather not save it you can ritualistically burn the paper after your declaration in a fire safe bowl.
©Katie McBrien 2014

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