Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A New Years Eve Love Spell

Lets work some magick to find love in 2014.
Items Needed:
  • A Pink Rose
  • A white or pink candle in a holder
  • matches
  • Rose Quartz
  • A Glass of Water
  • a mojo bag of your choice (red/pink/white- would be good!)
Timing: New years eve
For this spell gather your required ingredients and prepare yourself as you normally would for magick. Light the pink candle using these or similar words:
candle burns bright into the night
to help increase my magick sight
out there is a love for me
with this candle him/her i can now see
Holding the rose in your hand starting at the bottom of your feet work your way up to your head directing energy through the rose into your body use these or similar words:
Flower of love flower of emotion
help bring love to me with forward motion
infuse my soul, body and my mind
so great love is something i can find
Holding the water in your hands swirl it gently in a clockwise (building) motion (in the southern hemisphere perhaps counterclockwise is the building direction). Chant the following:
I open my self to lasting romance
may we know each other at first glance
When the power has built as high as it will go drink 3/4 of the water saving a bit for a libation (or offering) outside.  Let the candle burn out. Afterwards, place the rose petals, rose quartz, and a dab of the water in a mojo bag which you should carry with you all of 2014. Place the stem & water outside as an offering to the divine powers.

May love find you! 

©Katie McBrien 2014

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Join me on google+ where we connect and learn the magick of the sea http://ow.ly/saAD4 expect lively discussion, free spells, and more!

Monday, December 30, 2013

A New Beginning Chant

As the new year approaches it’s time to start thinking about starting our lives anew. This chant can be combined with other spell-work to raise energy for whatever you are “spelling” for.
the tides have shifted the tide has turned
past lessons were hard but now are learned
the shift is for the best of all
abundance and love now come to my call
Repeat this as often as needed- especially potent as the clock turns 12:01 on new years morning!
©Katie McBrien 2013

Monday, December 23, 2013

A God Chant

Use this chant to connect to the God energy in your magick & spell work.
Masculine energy, part of the divine
I call your energy to mix with mine
bold and daring and always kind
aid my magick and power bind.
©Katie McBrien 2013

Witch Spells will be on vacation from 12/24/13- 12/30/13

A Happy Yule Season to all!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

A Spell to Connect to a Totem Animal

We all have totem animals or helping spirits that assist us and walk with us in this life time. This spell will help you get in-touch with your totem animal and begin to forge a relationship with them.
Items Needed:
  • (optional) A physical representation of your totem animal- if you know it.
  • An offering of some kind- i recommend bird seed or something simple and edible that you can place outdoors.
  • A pen
  • A Journal
  • A Working Candle (this is a candle that you use for illumination for your altar or working space).
  • Matches
  • Candle Holder
Timing: No specific timing required.
Gather the required items and prepare your space in a way that is aesthetically pleasing to you. For this spell I recommend a quick cleansing of yourself either by smudging or taking a ritual bath or shower. When you are ready light your candle this is the incantation I use for my working candle:
I call out to the element of fire
to help me manifest my desire
Light the way as I cast my spell
insuring that all will go well.
When you have called in the element of fire. Take several deep breaths in and out and begin to relax yourself, meditation or journey work is an easy way to meet with totem animals.
Before the doing meditation or journey work I find saying an incantation or statement of intent helps me a lot prepare for the journey ahead of me. For this I have used:
Helping spirits I call out to you
My totem I wish to come through
a friendship i wish to create
let us use this time to communicate
You can use this meditation to meet with your animal: http://youtu.be/I3ppUi06y3Y Thank you Flora Peterson!
After you have met your animal take several moments to reflect on the experience in your journal or Book of shadows. You can then extinguish your working candle. Repeat this spell as often as you like this could be a way to talk to your totem animal. When everything is put back, go outside and leave your edible offering to the world this is a token of an energetic exchange plus a kind gesture.
©Katie McBrien 2013

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

A New Beginning Spell

This spell will help you start a new chapter in your life.
Items Needed: 
  • a white candle
  • a candle holder
  • water
  • salt
  • a small bowl
Timing: From full to dark
** I recommend doing this spell over a period of several days.**
Gather your required ingredients for this spell, the candle should be big enough that you can do this spell several times but not so big that you must sit at it’s side for hours. I recommend a tea light or small votive candle. Chime candles can burn down in as little as one and a half hours so that candle is perhaps too small. For this spell little personal preparation is needed because part of this spell is a cleansing and declaration of your intention to begin anew.
Before lighting the candle mix together some salt into the water- salt water has been used as a spiritual cleansing agent for years. Hold the salt water up in the air while intoning these or similar words:
Today I release myself from the past
I am ready to start a new life at last
This magickal mixture clears the way
all that is negative shall wash away
Begin to sprinkle yourself from head to toe. Really be sure to do the top of your head and the soles of you feet. You can repeat the above incantation as you do this work or not. Right after you are done light the white candle while saying these or similar words:
I step into the great unknown
I can see how much i have grown
I want a fresh start now
a new me I allow.
Allow the candle to burn for several minutes while you meditate,  i would also recommend writing down any insights that come at this time or perhaps doing a bit if divination (tarot, runes, etc) to see where the energy is flowing in your life and where you need some work.
©Katie McBrien 2013

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A Full Moon Wish Spell

The full moon is upon us and this little spell will help you manifest something in your life.
Items Needed:
  • A candle (white or silver is best)
  • Candle holder
  • Matches
  • A goblet or glass of water.
Timing: The full Moon.
Prepare yourself and your space for magick. This is a simple spell but it can be quite profound. It would be best for you to be able to gaze upon the moon during this spell but if you can not then a picture of the moon would suffice.
Hold the candle in your hands visualize the moon shinning her silver rays on the candle blessing it. Lighting the candle you can use these or similar words:
This candle bound to the silver moon
it’s light helps my magick to attune
I call down the moon to this place
to create a sacred magickal space.
Spend several moments attuning yourself to the vibrations of the moon and allowing yourself and your spirit to take in this energy.  When you are ready begin to think of something you want to manifest in your life, this could be more money, a new love, a better job, like minded people. etc.
Picking up your glass of water, whisper lightly your desire on the water, see it being infused into the water- water is a magickal substance which is a great conductor of energy! Sit the water so the candle light is either seen through the crisp clear water or it’s flame is reflected on the waters surface. Begin to raise energy in any way you desire. I prefer a mixture of chanting and body movement.
The moon reflects the suns glow
creating energy and making it go
The magick I have cast for today
is now being released and sent on it’s way.
Obstacles fade away and the path is clear
bringing my goals and magick near.
my spell manifests my desires for me
as I will it so mote it be!
When you have raised the energy to what you feel is enough pick up the water and drink half. This brings the magick within you. Let the rest of the water sit near the candle, when the candle burns out take the water outside and pour in a space that you feel called too.
©Katie McBrien 2013

Monday, December 16, 2013

Friendship Spell

This spell is meant to help you obtain more like minded friends in your life.
Items Needed:
  • A Pink Candle
  • Matches
  • Candle Holder
  • Rose Quartz
Timing: Waxing Moon on a Monday or Friday.
Gather the required items needed for this spell. Prepare yourself and your space as you normally would for magick. Set up your working space in a way that is aesthetically pleasing for you.
Light your candle while saying these or similar words:
Candle burning strong and bright
helps send out a guiding light
for like minded friends to come my way
let this happen without delay
As your candle is burning think about the type of things you wish to do with these friends, perhaps it’s going to different events, or just hanging out and talking.
When you are ready you can extinguish the candle and repeat this spell daily or let the candle burn all the way out. The rose quartz is a talisman you can carry with you it will help to act as a beacon to bring these people into your life. Remember though to exercise caution when inviting new people into your life & world. Just because you do magick doesn’t mean that every person who comes your way now will have your best interests or safety in mind.
©Katie McBrien 2013

Thursday, December 12, 2013

A Money Potion

This drinkable money potion will help you bring extra money into your life. Though not entirely a spell there are words of power that can be chanted or intoned while brewing and drinking this potion to help money manifest in your life. Items Needed:
  • Tea Kettle to boil water
  • A muslin bag, tea spoon, or ball- herbs can go inside.
  • Real sugar- this is needed though the amount you add is up to you.
  • Milk/creamer- optional
  • tea cup or mug
The Tea: Here you have several options I know not everyone can make their own tea due to lack of garden space or lack of funds. A quick search provided Bigelow Herbal Mint Tea this would be a good substitute for the tea below. Be sure to always use edible herbs when making drinkable potions, use caution and make sure that it is medically safe for you to consume ALL ingredients always, you may need to check with your medical practitioner to insure your safety.
  • Fresh or Dried Mint Leaves- this makes up the bulk of the tea
  • A Dash of Cinnamon or a small part of a cinnamon stick - a small amount will do this speeds up the potion & spell.
  • Red Clover Flowers - one or two will do you
  • A small pinch of nutmeg- a very small amount
  • A little bit of basil.
Timing: Whenever needed, this of course works better during the waxing moon phase. As you place your water into the tea kettle think about your need for money: why do you need the money, how much do you need, by when do you need it. GET CLEAR ON YOUR GOALS! As the water begins to warm up you can chant the main chant of this spell. Taking your herbs or tea bag hold the herbs in your hand and chant the main chant, when you are done place the herbs inside a bag, spoon, or, ball and place inside your tea cup or mug. When the water has reached a boil remove from heat and immediately pour over the herbs while saying the main chant of this spell. As the herbs seep in the water repeat the chant and build up power. Remove the herbs and add a touch of sugar, the sugar acts as a drawing agent bringing what you desire to you. You can add creamer or milk to suit your tastes. I suggest keeping the chant in mind the entire time you are enjoying your beverage. You can repeat this potion as often as you like.

The Main Chant:

As the water boils power grows strong bringing abundance and money along herbs of power seeped and brewed it's magickal power the water imbued bringing the money I desire by ___ I require (add in the time frame) I drink the potion the magicks in me as I will it so mote it be.
©Katie McBrien 2013

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A Job Spell

Use this spell to help you find a job and get it!
Items Needed:
  • a white candle
  • candle holder
  • matches or lighter
  • a piece of paper
  • a green crayon, marker, pen, or pencil.
  • fire safe dish or cauldron
  • a mojo bag- green, red, or white.
Timing- Waxing Moon; Sunday (success + energy ), Tuesday (added power & energy), or Thursday (money & finances).
Gather your required items & tools. Think about the working at hand and prepare yourself as you normally would. Holding the white candle in your hands begin to focus on the type of job you wish to attract. See this job as clearly as possible- try not to focus on a particular location- however in some cases this is un-avoidable.  You can say the following as you light your candle, igniting your candle and your focused intent into motion:
The perfect job comes to me
I am the best candidate I guarantee
This candle fuels my spell
insuring that all will be well
Now with your candle lit- take the paper and write out:
  • what the perfect job to you is
  • how far away this job should be
  • what makes you qualified for this job- be sure to only list skills and credentials that you REALLY have, this is important!
  • how much you wish to make (be sure to put at least in front allowing for the universe to possibly provide you MORE!)
  • the hours you wish to put into work- this is important sometimes with the invent of smart phones and laptops even though your day may finish at the office at 3, you may be expected to log in and check e-mail several times throughout the night or take some work home…. 
  • when you wish to start this job! (exact dates or time frame written out)
Now that you have the perfect job spelled out in great detail. Read this list out-loud with confidence the same confidence you will use during the interview process, put that smile on your face and imagine the interviewer(s) sitting in front of you.  Use your charm!
When you have completed the list say these or similar words:
Written on this paper is the job i wish to obtain
with my skills and money i wish to gain
I am the perfect fit for this place
you will know as soon as you see my face
I am the perfect worker you dream about
and with my resume there will be no doubt
the job comes quickly to me
as I will it so mote it be!
Remember that this spell talks about your skills, if you lie on your resume or the written paper- this spell WILL backfire on you and could cause serious repercussions!
Now BURN that paper! As you watch the fire burn you can say these or similar words:
Fire burns my spell into my field
and now the spell is sealed.
When the candle has burn out and the ashed cooled gather up the remains and place them within the mojo bag, you can add in a bit of high john the conqueror oil or root inside the bag if you have any. Carry this bag with you to your interview!
Good Luck!
©Katie McBrien 2013

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

A Chant To Stop Gossip

So someone is talking about you? Combine this chant with your spell work to raise the power to get this person(s) to leave you alone!
Words of slander, words of hate
you have just sealed your fate
what you say will come back to you
and you will not know what to do
you will no longer speak ill of me
you will clear my name so i am free
within a cycle of the moon
you will sing a different tune
***May in no way this spell reverse 
or place upon me any curse 
as I will it so mote it be 
***when you are at your final repetition add the ending which is in bold….
©Katie McBrien 2013

Monday, December 9, 2013

Goddess Chant

This is not a spell per-say- but it’s just as powerful- this is a chant to work with the feminine energy The Goddess. Use this in magickal workings to raise power for magick.
Mother Goddess, female divine
your energy and power I wish to align
Bless my magick and my soul
and The power to make it whole
©Katie McBrien 2013

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Return To Sender Spell

We all have times when we are dealing with some bad energy and think it may be from that person who just won’t leave us alone- maybe we don’t even know who it is! Use this spell to remove their energy from your life and send it right on back to them!
Items Needed: 
  • A mirror (this needs to be able to stand up or be propped up).
  • A Black Candle
  • A White candle
  • Long Matches or extended lighter.
  • Inscribing Tool
  • Salt
  • Hyssop Herb
Timing: Waning Moon, Saturday.
There are quite a few items in this spell, you may need to start collecting several days before. When you are ready, prepare yourself and your space for magick. The lay out of this spell is important i’ll try to explain it the best I can. Taking the black candle be sure that it’s light will be reflected in the mirror- but the white candle will not. Also the reflection should not ever capture your body once the black candle is lit- so long matches may be needed. The idea is the black candle will capture the harmful energy and reflect it out into the cosmos and therefor the wrong-doer, if it captures your essence it will then reflect it back to you- causing no change to manifest for you.
Taking the black candle inscribe your name upon it’s surface and a line through the words ‘harmful energies’- if you know the sender write their name too.  Place the candle in it’s holder and position the mirror as detailed above. Carefully light the candle while intoning these or similar words:
Creature of fire set in black,
negative energy and psychic attack.
All the harm sent my way,
Shall be returned without delay.
Taking the white candle inscribe your name with the words “positive energy, love, happiness, abundance.” Position this candle so it’s light baths you but is NOT reflected in the mirror. As you light the candle intone these or similar words:
White light brings a new birth
with great abundance and mirth
I welcome in the energy of love
blessed by the God & Goddess above.
Taking the hyssop and salt mix them together best you can- infusing them with positive energy- sprinkle the mixture between the two candles including the mirror as a barrier.
Know that the energies are being sent back and new more positive ones will take it’s place.
©Katie McBrien 2013

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Money, Money, Money.

We could all use a bit more money right now. Especially with the holiday’s looming. Lets work some money mojo together!
Items Needed: 
  • Green Candle
  • Inscribing tool
  • Matches
  • Fire safe dish, cauldron, sink, tub etc.
  • Adventurine
  • Mint
  • Olive Oil
  • A small mixing jar/cup.
Timing: Waxing Moon.
Prepare yourself as you normally do for magick and set up your working space.  Fill the small jar with oil and add in some mint, stir this potion clockwise with your dominate magickal hand. As you stir you can say these or similar words of intent:
Herb and oil mix as one
the magick has now begun
herb of green money you control
oil of abundance to make it whole
money and abundance come to me
as i will it so mote it be.
Take the candle now and inscribe the amount of money you need; this should be a reasonable number. So for example if you need enough money for your car payment and groceries don’t ask for 1,000.00! (unless of course you drive a REALLY fancy car and are feeding an army!). The universe gives you want you need- not always what you want. Then taking the oil dip your dominant hands finger-tips into the oil and anoint the candle with the oil.  Place the candle in a fire safe dish/cauldron or sink, there is potential for this candle to burn higher and wider than other candles with the herbs from the oil on it’s sides. Lighting the candle say these or similar words:
What i need is written out
the time has come to bring it about
Herbs and oil and candle glow
makes my money multiply and grow
what I need is coming to me
as I will it so mote it be.
Let this candle burn out completely. Sometimes spells will need to be repeated several times this may be one of those spells.
©Katie McBrien 2013